5 Ways to Show Gratitude to Your Employees

Being the CEO of a company comes with great responsibility. As CEO, you are the company’s face, but no company would run without a strong team. There is a saying that employees are your company’s backbone, but employees are much more than that. Employees are the ones who are bringing the company to life. No company would flourish without the help of employees. It is crucial to show your employees that you are there to help them grow. By assisting them in growing in the team, it is important to show gratitude.  Here are 5 ways to show gratitude to your employees.

1. Treat Every Employee with Equal Respect.

At Vivera, every employee has an essential part of our team. It does not matter what their job title is or how long they have been there. I believe no employee is higher than another, as each employee contributes to the daily operations in making us successful. There is also an open-door policy at Vivera. Any employee can share their ideas and concerns with me. I take the time to listen to what each person has to say.

2. Celebrate Achievements.

No achievement is too small. Whether hitting a company goal or an individual employee learning a new skill, achievements deserve to noticed. Make achievements in the workplace something to be celebrated!  By doing this, you are showing gratitude for the hard work being accomplished. 

3. Give Specific Positive Feedback.

Giving employees positive personal feedback is an important aspect to show gratitude. Rather than telling an employee, “Good job today,” I provide specific feedback on how they are doing their job—giving detailed feedback and taking note of what your employees are accomplishing shows that you are noticing their effort.

4. Staff Events.

Holding staff events do not need to be elaborate or expensive, but they should be meaningful. Having occasional events during work hours has benefits. They allow staff a break from their everyday tasks and enable staff to engage with one another. Different ideas of staff events include seasonal BBQs, birthday celebrations, luncheons, or outings in the community.

5. Take The Time to Say Thank You.

Oftentimes, simply saying thank you gets forgotten. Workdays can get busy. However, remembering to thank your employees shows that you care that they are there, helping the company function.

Paul Edalat

Paul Edalat

With more than 30 years in brand and product development experience, Paul Edalat has a strong expertise in business development and growth opportunities. As Chairman of the Board and CEO of Vivera Pharmaceuticals, Paul Edalat is revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry.

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