Almost anyone can start a company or become a boss. In my own work experience, I’ve had numerous people that I had to work under. Some of them will simply be forgotten, and I didn’t want to be like that. When I chose to become my boss, I knew that I would eventually have to oversee others in my business endeavors. So, I had to think about how I would be a valuable leader in my field. I thought of different aspects that helped me grow as a young professional to help me grow into the boss I am today. Here are ways to become a boss that is remembered:
Lead by Example
Although I am the co-founder of Vivera Pharmaceuticals, I am in the office daily. I go into work the same days that our other office employees attend. I show up promptly to meetings, collaborate with teams, and engage in other daily office needs. I strive to show my employees that I am a physical part of the team- not just a name attached to the company. Employees are also not just names attached to a company; they are people who typically look up to their bosses for guidance and support. When I walk through those doors every morning, I lead by example.
Provide a safe place to grow
I often say that failure is not an option. This is not because I don’t want my employees to fail or make mistakes: It’s the opposite. I want my employees to eliminate “failure” from their vocabulary because each experience is a learning opportunity. Something was learned from the experience, and you can choose to see it as a failure or grow for it. No one is perfect, and there are daily learning curves as our world is forever changing around us. As we learn how to adapt, we are growing. Therefore, it is essential to let your employees know that the office is a safe space to grow professionally.
Open career doors
One of the biggest things I look for when interviewing someone to join the team is their potential. Do they have a strive, need, or want to create a better world? Whether a potential employee wants to get better in their expertise, move up in the company, or eventually create a company of their own- I want to guide and mentor them. Opening career doors for employees shows that you have faith in their dreams and ambitions.
Remind them their work matters
Each employee’s role has important work that matters. From my position to our accountant, to the copywriters, to the cleaning team, and everything in-between- every position is a critical role. A company would not function without having each person playing an important role. Remind your employees that their work matters. Don’t leave any small tasks un-thanked.
The Impact
At the end of the day, when I leave my work doors, I don’t leave work at the door. I am still available for my employees if they need me. I aim to show them that I am there to be the boss that is remembered.
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